Latin American premiere of Koolish Zein by the UC Percussion Group at the 60th UC Chamber Season in Santiago, Chile

UC Music Institute Auditorium
October 1, 2024
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Chamber Season: Novus Portal
Tue 01 Oct | 19:30

Music created over the past 32 years, with five premieres in Chile, will be offered by the UC Percussion Group at the 60th UC Chamber Season. There will be two concerts, at Centro de Extensión Oriente and MAVI.
The UC Percussion Group will offer five premieres in Chile during the 60th UC Chamber Season. All the works are by living composers, four of them American, and were created in the last 23 years.

This permanent ensemble from the UC Music Institute is directed by Professor César Vilca and includes his colleague Joaquín López and four scholarship students, including Sebastián Nahuelcoy and Marcial Pino. In addition, Professor Danilo Rodríguez will be joining in on piano for two works.

The program is titled “Portal Novus: Entrance to a new era of percussion” and includes the Latin American premiere of Koolish Zein , a work composed in 2019 by New Zealander John Psathas for percussion quintet and tape.

Two tributes will be added: DisArchitecture by Dave Hall, which is a reinterpretation of Frank Gehry's architectural style in the format of a percussion quartet, and Spero by Michael Burrit, which pays tribute to percussionist Bob Becker, a work in which the solo drum dialogues with two vibraphones, marimba and piano.

The program is completed by Passage to an uncharted world (2022) by Austin Keck, which is for percussion sextet and piano, and Pilar III by Andy Akiho, for percussion quartet.

There will be two concerts; at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, in the Auditorium of the Centro de Extensión Oriente (Jaime Guzmán 3,300) and at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, in the Mavi UC Museum of Visual Arts (Lastarria 307).