Whats Included
Find out more about the origins of this piece
The digital download includes:
● Download Information
● Score
● Audio and Video files(details below)
● A Logic file with movie and audio files in place.
This piece requires:
· One floor tom
· One kroboto/kloboto drum Here's an example of the instrument
· In-ear monitoring of a click track
· Video projection of the included movie
· Software that can send video to a projector, audio to a PA system, and a separate audio output to send the click track to your in-ear monitoring.
The Audio files and Movie can be imported into any Digital Audio Workstation software (Logic, Protools, Cubase, Ableton etc.). Set the tempo to 120bpm and the meter to 4/4.
There is also the option of – if you ownLogic Pro – to open the Logic file and everything will be ready to go. The backing track is setup to be sent via Outputs 1&2 to the PA system. The click track is sent via Outputs 3&4 to the in-ears monitoring system (3&4are both identical mono tracks, in case you wish to use just one ear-bud)
The total file size is: 820MB
File List
1. Relentless - Instructions.pdf (this document)
2. Relentless – Score and Reference Audio Mix
3. Relentless - Audio demos of drum sounds
· RelentlessKrobota audio example (try and find as close a sound to this as possible)
· RelentlessFloor Tom audio example
4. Relentless Performance Audio and Video Files
· RelentlessBacking Track
· RelentlessClick Track (mono) 2bar count in
· RelentlessMovie
5. Relentless Practice Tracks
· 60%Tempo
· 70%Tempo
· 80%Tempo
· 90%Tempo
· 100%Tempo
6. Relentless Logic Session for LivePerformance
Only launch this file if you have Logic Pro installed. You should receive an alert that it can’t find the audio interface used when the Logic Session was originally created. This is normal. You will need to specify your own interface/outputs. The mixer in Logic is configured to send the backing track to the front of house PA via outputs1&2. The click track is routed to go to the in-ears setup via outputs3&4. The movie is already loaded into the session and synchronized with the music. You will need to send video signal from your computer to a projector or screen.
7. Relentless AAF File
This is a generic AAF file that should open in other software platforms (like ProTools, Cubase, Ableton). I cannot guarantee this will be 100% error-free. But it should work. You will need to import the movie file (see item 4. Relentless Performance Audio and Video Files for this).
Find out more about the origins of this piece