100 Years (video and music) with Serj Tankian
100 Years (2014) is a commemorative video co-composed with longtime friend and collaborator Serj Tankian. The work is a somber commemoration to honor the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian victims of the first genocide of the 20th century. It is dedicated to all those fighting for truth, recognition and justice for this and all subsequent genocides
Please note that the video contains graphic and sensitive archival images.
Co-Composer: Serj Tankian
Engineer: George Kariotis
Performers: Vardan Grigoryan (Duduk), Sofia Labropoulou (Kanun), Vagelis Karypis (Daouli), Petros Kourtis (Daouli), Andreas Pappas (Daouli), Serj Tankian (Vocals), Jeffrey Mallow (Guitar), John Psathas (Piano), David Alpay (Violin), Sokratis Sinopoulos (Lyra), Kostas Theodorakos (Vibes, Tubular Bell, Finger Cymbal),
Instrumentation Duduk, Kanun, Daouli, Voice, Guitar, Piano, Violin, Lyra, Vibraphone, Tubular Bells, Finger Cymbal
Released 2016