Splash Perkussion NRW perform Kyoto in Santiago, Chile

Municipal Theatre of Ñuñoa
September 26, 2024
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With the participation of the Música UC Percussion Ensemble, the German group will offer a free concert at the Teatro California in Ñuñoa. A work commissioned by Aliocha Solovera will premiere, and works by Frank Zappa, Ivan Trevino, Amadeo Roldán, John Psathas and Bruce Hamilton will also be performed.

The UC Music Institute has scheduled an extraordinary concert that will feature the participation of Splash Perkussion NRW from Germany. This ensemble belongs to the Ministry of Culture and Science of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and its artistic directors are Ralf Holtschneider and Stephan Froleyks. The Ensamble de Percusión Música UC will also perform with them.

The program includes the world premiere of a work commissioned by UC Music Institute professor Aliocha Solovera, entitled  Re-Encuentros (2024), which will feature a solo performance by Brazilian cellist Isaac Andrade.

Likewise, The Black Page (1984) by Frank Zappa will be performed , as well as Rhythmic No. 5 and Rhythmic No. 6 by the Cuban composer and violinist Amadeo Roldán (1900-1939), in addition to three other works by living composers: Catching Shadows (2020) by the Mexican Ivan Trevino (1983), Kyoto (2020) by the New Zealander John Psathas (1966) and Raptures of Undream (1998) by the American Bruce Hamilton (1966).

This concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26 at the California Theater (Irarrázaval 1564, Ñuñoa), with free registration .

Splash Perkussion NRW's visit to Chile is funded by the State Council of Music of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Goethe Institute. Its directors, Ralf Holtschneider and Stephan Froleyks, will offer a master class for the percussion department at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, September 23, in Room 04 of the UC Music Institute. Isaac Andrade will also offer a master class, in this case for the cello department.

Works being preformed