Matre’s Dance: Practice Materials for Pianists and Percussionists
Whats Included
I’ve created a bundle with materials for both pianists and percussionists to rehearse individually when learning their part.
Please note this purchase does not include the sheet music.
Some things to keep in mind when using these files:
There is a folder with materials for pianists and a folder with materials for percussionists. These folders have the other instrument and a click track mixed to mono. This was done to enable playing the file out of a single speaker (generally at a reasonable volume – given the nature of the piece), and being able to hear both the click and the other instrument. These files are small-size mp3s which will make it easier to store on a phone or other device and connect directly to a speaker. The audio can also be played through a pair of speakers (with identical audio in each).
The click track has one bar of 4/4 count-in before measure 1.
In the click-track some bars have extra clicks. These are usually to give an upbeat (for instance, the last 8th note of a 7/8 bar). They are generally quieter than the other clicks.
To handle the fermata and break I have added the following;
• Measure 150: 2 beats of silence and 2 quarter-note upbeats into the next bar.
• Measure 275: one extra beat has been added with a quiet click, to create space for the comma here.
There is also a folder with a separate click, and mastered individual piano and percussion tracks (all at 112bpm) in case there is a need for a live performance by one musician.
Total file size is: 410MB
Digital download includes the following files:
1. Matre's Dance - Pno&Perc - INSTRUCTIONS.pdf
2. Matre's Dance - Pno&Perc - PRACTICE MATERIALS
- 01 Matres Dance Practice Materials Instructions.pdf
- 02 Matres Dance Practice Tracks for Percussionists
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 86BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 92BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 98BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono)104BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 108BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 110BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Piano + Click (mono) 112BPM.mp3
- 03 Matres Dance Practice Tracks for Pianists
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono) 86BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)92BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)98BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)104BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)108BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)110BPM.mp3
- Matres Dance Percussion_Click (mono)112BPM.mp3
- 04 Matres Dance Karaoke Performance Files
- MatresDance Click (mono) 112BPM.mp3
- MatresDance Percussion Audio (for performance by pianist) 112BPM.wav
- MatresDance Piano Audio (for performance by percussionist) 112BPM.wav